01442 213 289

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Mental Health

Herts Homecare provide a very person-centered and outcome focused approach to care and support with service users who have mental health problems, personality disorders, significant challenging behaviour and associated complex needs. We are also able to provide care and support under section 117 aftercare.

Our staff are trained to always have a positive attitude, be consistent and persistent. This has the effect of positive progress in our service users enabling them to cope with the day to day pressures of life. Our staff can offer structured routines with clear boundaries helping service users to regain control of their emotional behaviour and develop their own strategies to cope.

Service users’ care plans are devised to provide the range of support that achieves the maximum positive outcomes for them, this may be through independent living or a supported living environment, where they can access all the services the local community has to offer, knowing that support is always there as and when they need it.

Each service user’s care plan is constantly monitored and appraised with regular reviews of progress and outcomes in conjunction with the service user, their family, advocates, mental health professionals and care manager.